There has been a great advancement in tools and services in the web development space. It is because of this scenario that having an online presence is no more a difficult task. But one thing that is not paid much attention to is the security of the website. The importance of understanding the SSL and Security solutions for your website needs to be known. When you make your website live, it is like unlocking the door to the premises of your office. These doors need to be opened in a safe manner. Electronic thieves are invisible and fast. Preventing your website from theft is as important as building up a website.
Here are a few ways by which you can ensure the safety of your website.
1. Understand the value of keeping software updated
There are update notifications, which you might ignore most of the times. Ensure that you run these updates in a timely manner to have the latest version of software supporting your site. In case your website uses third party plugins, keep track of their updates as well. Do not look out for additional feature with each update. Even the simplest update will fix a number of bugs that existed.
2. Add layers of security to your website
Installing anti-virus software on your desktop would be the first line of defense against the hackers. This firewall is designed to filter the incoming traffic and rule out malicious requests. Having just one layer of security might not be enough. Moving to cloud technologies or adding additional encryptions might help to keep your data secure. Cloud based web application firewalls are highly effective in this context.
3. Make the transition from HTTP to HTTPS
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is truly reliable to transfer sensitive information between a website and a web server. By making this transition, all you are actually doing is adding an encryption layer of TLS and SSL to your HTTP website. Moving to HTTPS will also benefit your Google search rankings simultaneously.
4. Parameterized queries should be used more often
Most of the websites fall victim to the SQL query formats. If your website has a web form or a URL parameter that is used to allow outside users to supply information, someone can enter a code into them and hack your database. Your database is the place where all the sensitive credentials like credit card numbers and contact information reside. It is your duty to protect the information of your clients. Making use queries with a number of parameters can prevent hackers to mess up with them.
5. Keep your password strength strong
You might have always heard of making your password unique and strong. As a matter of fact, the most common #1 password is still 123456. You can do a lot better than that! Use a perfect blend of special characters, numbers, and letters to make the best password. And also, do not forget it later!
For more such valuable information related to website development and security, get in touch with SSA Consulting Group. We provide the most reliable SSL and Security solutions for your website.
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In Case, You missed my previous post than read it here - WordPress Web Designing Services
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